Case: Click’n Tile

Reusable tiles
Click’n Tile

Plastic Recycling / Beautiful Plastics

With Click’n Tile it is possible to design, mount and change your tiles all by yourself and whenever you want. The tiles are made from a plastic material that can be returned and replaced with new colours and shapes. The tiles are easily mounted and installed – even on top of an existing tiles wall.

Click’n Tile produces tiles that can be installed and changed without the help of a craftsman. The tiles and the mounting plate are made out of ABS plastic. The mounting plate is either glued or applied with double-sided tape on the desired surface, which makes them particularly suitable for an already existing tiled wall or a wall where you want the possibility of removing them again. A have a return system is set up where the used tiles are shipped back to Click, n Tiele, and used for the production of new tiles or recycled in another tile collection.

The tile of the future is made out of hemp

Click’n Tile is exhibiting a brand new tile produced from hemp. Hemp plastic is made from natural fibers from the stem of the hemp plant. It is biodegradable and the production emits a small amount of CO2. Hemp plastic is degradable within a 3 - 6 month period and is recyclable. The material is both strong and light , which makes it suitable in the production of Click’n Tile tiles. It is also resistant to heat. Another advantage of the production of the cannabis plants that the plants absorbs CO2 and converts it into oxygen.


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