Case: Sikker container til opbevaring af Biopsier

BiopSafe Aps

Health by Design

The big challenge in hospitals and clinics all over the world is how to fixate the biopsy in formalin without exposure to spillage or vapour. Formaldehyde is a known human carcinogen which affects health in many negative ways. Either when a person is exposed directly or through inhalation. Long term exposure to formaldehyde has been proven to be associated with an increased risk of cancer of the nose, nasopharyngeal and lung cancer.

BiopSafe is a small container with formalin encapsulated in the lid. With a light press of the thumb the formalin is released in a closed system covering the biopsy. The result is that no personnel are exposed to the content in either liquid or vapour form.

Short term exposure can also cause serious health risks:

  • Inhalation: Increased exposure to formaldehyde can cause severe pulmonary reactions to the upper respiratory tract.

  • Eyes: Irritation resulting in redness, itching, burning, and tearing

  • Skin: Allergic reaction and dermatitis, as experienced by many working with formaldehyde.

It is therefore critical to handle formalin with care and attention to ensure a safe working environment.


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